Dienstag, 26. Juli 2016

Vortrag "The Location of Interfaith Activities", EASR-Conference 2016, Helsinki

Mein Vortrag auf der diesjährigen EASR-Konferenz in Helsinki (Juni 2016) kann hier nachgehört werden. Darin befasse ich mich mit zweien meiner Fälle (Rathaus- und Kunsthallenveranstaltung) und vergleiche Raumdeutungen sowie die in den Aktivitäten relvanten Rollen und ihre Raumbezüge.

Abstract: Interfaith tours in an art gallery, the long night of world religions in a theatre, and a dialogue of religions in the town hall – (initiated) interfaith activities in Hamburg occur as well beyond (“classical”) religious places, such as an interfaith discussion group in a church community, or an iftar in an islamic encounter center. The fact that such activities are increasingly located in places not primarily religious is thereby not (or at least not only) a result of a territorial expansion of interfaith activity by religious actors, but (also) a result of a higher perception and an adoption of interfaith activities as an own task e.g. by political and cultural actors. In this presentation I focus on the location of interfaith activities and ask for the nature of correlations between interfaith interaction and activity venues. In which way is the interaction shaped by space? How far are roles of the actors related to space? How do actors (re)construct space in interfaith interaction? In order to discover these correlations I present some examples for interfaith activities in Hamburg and dwell on theoretical concepts of social interaction (Goffman) and space (Löw, Knott).

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